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Get Up & Get Moving
“Get Up and Get Moving”
-Pastor Allen Calvert
Exodus 14:23-28
•Your mind knows what needs to happen, but your motivation reminds you it would easier to put it off.
•We convince ourselves that it’s ok to just be complacent.
•We get to a place where we accept that God has forgiven us, our past is behind us, yet we feel we are at the end. That this is our destiny. It’s not. It’s not the end! This is just the tip of the iceberg. You can’t stop here!!
•Comfortable leads to complacency.
•Your past will show up. Remember, Pharoah came charging after the Israelites. Keep moving forward!
•We get complacent after repentance.
•In your mind, becoming a slave to your past is easier than the unknown of the wilderness.
•When God forgives you, He lets your past go. Now YOU have to let your past go.
•After repentance we become vulnerable to our past.
•In your mind people are talking about you, when they are praying. You think people are against you when they are in your corner.
•Moses experienced all of God’s power, but he was spiritually blind to it.
•You have come out of your past, but you can not stay here! There is more to your story.
•Repentance is your direction, not your destiny.
•The Waymaker is not done with you.
•When you don’t see a way, He will make a way!
•God says “Let me finish the work I have started in you!”
•Your past can’t touch you, God has forgiven you.
•No weapon shall prosper. It may form, but it will not work.
•God will make a way, and it won’t be backwards.
•As long as you trust God, and move forward, not backwards, Hell can wage war against you and it will not work!
•What was meant to be against you, God can make for you.
•Moses and the Israelites became so complacent they never saw the promise land.
•With the Holy Ghost living inside of you, the past can not touch you.
•Complacency is a silent killer.
•We have gotten so complacent with being ok.
•Complacency will make you think there is no future. That you’re all you’re going to be at this point.
•Division comes from the people, not the gospel.
•We have to be God’s people, so get up and get moving!