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I Might Be Limpin'
“I Might Be Limpin”
- Pastor Allen Calvert
Genesis 32:24-28
Question: How many of you are struggling? Struggling so bad, that the night and darkness seems to be closing in on you?
•We know Jesus, but we become distracted by the anxieties.
•Your desperation has turned into depression.
•You wonder if you will ever feel freedom again.
•The struggle can be so strong, that you become spiritually blind. God can be blessing you, and you can’t even see it.
•If God says it, it is so!! You can fight it. You can run from it. But if He says it then it is so!
•Until you latch on to the goodness of God, you’re going to continue to struggle.
•Are you to a point, where you have struggled for so long, you’re ready to do whatever it takes? Jacob was, and He didn’t give up!
•Are you ready to fight? Are you ready to latch on to God? You can’t change your struggle by yourself!
•Have you struggled with the darkness for far too long? How desperate are you? How much do you want to get better? Latch on to Him!
•We have to fight, and sometimes that means fighting hard! We may come out limping, but we will come out blessed!
•The world will tell you that you can’t overcome your struggle. Don’t give up!
•The fight won’t be between you and God. It’s between the old you and the new you.
•You can’t hold on to the new, while keeping a death grip on the old.
•Let it go, but don’t let God go!
•God wants to change your name from...
-Sinner to Forgiven
-Addict to Clean
-Bound to Free
•You are no longer bound by who the world says you are, but who God says you are!
•The devil wants you so bad, he won’t let you walk away easily. Fight hard!! Your new name is OVERCOMER!
•Why hold onto something that can’t help you, but instead harms you? Quit chasing the high.
•Someone GREATER wants to change your name. His name is Jesus, and His name is greater than anything!
•Whatever the struggle is in your life, replace it with Jesus!