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Stop Boxing Up God!
“Stop Boxing Up God”
Joshua 10:12-14
Pastor Allen Calvert
Ask yourself these questions:
1. How BIG is your God?
2. How BIG is your faith?
3. How BIG is the biggest prayer you’ve prayed?
-Whatever your answer is, God is bigger than that!
•We box up God and we have to live within that box.
• God can only be as big as the box you put Him in.
•We sell ourselves short of what God to do in our lives.
•God’s goals for you might be a lot higher than the goals you set for yourself.
•God’s intentions for us, are bigger than any target we set in our life.
•If God promises you something or calls you to something, if you don’t grasp it, He will give it to someone else.
•When God makes a promise, He keeps it! Grasp it and let Him guide you.
•We see what God has done for others, yet we tend to keep Him boxed up with the limitations we set.
•You want to hear the voice of God? Pick up your Bible and read it! That’s when you will hear His voice.
•God gives us direction in His Word.
•There is no god in this world better than our God!
•There is nothing more powerful than our God!
•There is nothing better than our God!
•The “impossible” He did thousands of years ago, He can do it again!
•Stop boxing God up to certain people, certain generations, and to the Bible times. He is the same yesterday, today and FOREVER!
•Whether it’s the Old Testament, New Testament, or TODAY, God is still in the miracle business!
•We aren’t helping our students when we box God up.
•Stop boxing up your experiences and miracles with God. This generation needs to know about them!
•This generation needs to know...
-That they have someone on their side.
-That miracles still happen!
-About your prayer closets.
-About your worship when nobody is watching.
•These students need to know that God is bigger than the hurt they are feeling!
•The world is too bad to keep God boxed up any longer!
•God hasn’t changed, we are the ones changing.
•God is bigger than what you give Him credit for. •He is bigger than what you limit Him to.
•We need to:
KNOW the Word.
TRUST the Word.
STAND on the Word.
•God is bigger than any bully, situation, or addiction you may be facing.
•When you need a miracle, don’t be scared to pray BIG! But when you do, you may have to fight for it. You may have to fast. You may have to give up things. You may have to continue to pray over it. Keep praying. Keep worshipping. Don’t quit.
•Adults, start sharing wisdom with this generation and praying for them instead of criticizing them.
•Who took on a giant with a stone? Who asked the sun to stand still? Who told the mouths of lions to shut? Someone who could say “I KNOW GOD!”
•Don’t be scared to ask God for great big things. Release the power of God. Rip the box open! It’s time to start trusting Him again!